Creative AI & synthetic media

As an artist, designer, researcher, and speaker, I navigate the intersecting worlds of AI and creativity, challenging the boundaries of human-AI co-creation, exploring generative AI's creative potential, and future-casting the implications of AI-generated synthetic media on our creative landscape.

Lenka Hámošová is an interdisciplinary artist, designer, and researcher delving into the integration of artificial intelligence in artistic creation, with a keen focus on maintaining human creative agency. She investigates the potential of AI as a co-creator in the artistic process, questioning how this collaboration can be genuine if AI cannot comprehend our emotional and physical experiences.

With six years of dedicated research in synthetic media generated by AI, Lenka actively disseminates her findings through lectures, workshops, and educational materials. Her efforts aim to enhance the human creative contribution in AI collaborations and foster critical perspectives on the technology. Currently, she is advancing her PhD research at FUD UJEP in Ústí nad Labem (after 3 years at FAMU in Prague), exploring collective human-AI co-creation dynamics and participatory AI media synthesis.

As the co-founder of the Uroboros Festival and organizer of Creative AI Meet-ups in Prague, Lenka cultivates a community passionate about the creative potentials of AI. Her diverse workshop engagements range from corporate teams like Google's ML Ethics and ČSOB bank to academic and artistic arenas, including the 2021 Interactions IXDA Conference, the 2020 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT*), AIxDESIGN, and Hackers & Designers.

Lenka’s pedagogical journey has touched prestigious institutions such as the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU), Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM), and Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU). Her work was exhibited at international stages like the AI Art Gallery / NeurIPS 2020 Workshop, ML x ART, Artificia - Creative AI, and the DOX - Center for Contemporary Art. She holds a Master's degree in Design from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam and a BA in Visual Communication from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

talks, panels and presentations


Od bezcílného generování ke ztělesněné spolupráci – Hlína jako katalyzátor pro spolutvorbu člověka a umělé inteligence. | Čelem k umění, FUD UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, CZ, 09-10-2024

Jak (ne)automatizovat kreativitu | Czech Design Week, Prague, CZ, 08-09-2024

Creative AI Off-Roading: Unconventional Workflows for Imaginative Collaboration | AI Tinkerers Prague, ČVUT, Prague, CZ,  04-09-204

Creative AI through the Lens of More-Than-Human Co-Creation | Creative research and AI at University of Westminster, online, 17-06-2024

Collaboration with AI in Documentary Filmmaking (panel discussion) w / Petr Salaba & Bálint Revész | IDF Industry Sessions, online, 13-06-2024

Creative AI - More-than-Thuman Co-Creation | guest lecture at MA in Design for Responsible AI, ELISAVA, online, 05-06-2024

Film in the Age of AI: We Have Never Been Original (panel discussion) w/ Julie Dítětová, Silvia Dal Dosso, Jan Kulveit, Petr Salaba | AFO Academia Film Festival Olomouc 2024, Olomouc, CZ, 26-5-2024

Beyond Words: Ways of Tuning into AI | guest lecture at FSV, class “Mediated Societies”, Prague, CZ, 30-04-2024

Challenges, visions and opportunities for artistic research and/in society (panel discussion) w/ Natalie Loveless & Anne-Helen Mydland | Society of Artistic Research Conference 2024, Tilburg, NL, 10-4-2024

AI & Kreativita (panel discussion) | AI Horizonty, AI Dětem, Kampus Hybernská, Prague, CZ, 14-03-2024

AI's Journey from Deepfakes to Creative Partnerships  | Creative Edge Conference Prague, CZ, 22-01-2024

AI vs. Graphic Design 4.0 (panel discussion) | Creative Edge Conference Prague, CZ, 22-01-2024


Creative Collaboration with AI | Pecha Kucha Night Bratislava, Bratislava, SK, 27-09-2023

How to Art with AI (pilot to Creative AI meet-ups) | Uroboros Loops, Petrohradská Kolektiv, Prague, CZ, 08-07-2023

Sensing the Synthetic: Exploring the Role of Affect and Human Embodiment in AI-Media Synthesis / Symposium: Rethinking Technology, Reframing the Machine, Under the Radar - Festival and Conference for Artistic Film, Animation and Experimental Sequential Media, Vienna,  AT, 20-04-2023

PARADOX: Kreativní umělá inteligence (panel discussion) | DOX - Center for Contemporary Art in Prague, CZ,  19-04-2023

AI-Augmented Creativity: How AI Is Helping Us All Embrace the Mundane (And How to Avoid It) | Technologické centrum UMPRUM, Prague, CZ, 08-03-2023 

Syntetické médiá a human-AI co-creation / FUD Embassy, FUD UJEP, CZ, 23-11-2022

Sensing the synthetic (panel discussion) | Uroboros Festival 2022, Kasárna Karlín, Prague, CZ, 07-10-2022

Vytváření poznání prostřednictvím alternativního využití neuronových sítí v uměleckém výzkumu | Doktorandská konference a diskuse u příležitosti bienální výstavy UMPRUM Postup jako výstup, UMPRUM, Prague, CZ, 26-05-2022

Od vektoru k textu: vývoj syntetických médií od GANs k syntéze řízené textem. / Úvod do AV studií, FAMU, CZ, 20-12-2021

Od vektoru k textu: vývoj syntetických médií od GANs k syntéze řízené textem. / seminár Digitální kultury, UMPRUM, CZ, 15-12-2021

Festival Uroboros - online rotácie v znepokojivej dobe | Curating Online - The show goes on? Media art festivals during COVID times, Galerie TIC, CZ - online, 20-10-2021

Uroboros Festival: Sociálně angažovaný design | TIM Master Class, FFMU, CZ - online, 05-10-2021

Paradox: Co můžou umělci udělat pro umělou inteligenci? | panel discussion #DATAMAZE, DOX, Prague, CZ - online, 12-03-2021

Speculative look on the future cities | Crash course: Beyond sustainability, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden - online, 18-01-2021

Visual Uncertainty in Synthetic Reality  | CAS Guest Lectures, CAS, FAMU, CZ - online, 16-12-2020

Ako nastaviť druhú tvár: Identita a umelá inteligencia / panel discussion at Mobilis Festival 2020, Diera do sveta, Liptovský Mikuláš, SK - online, 06-12-2020

Syntetická média a jejich kreativní potenciál | Blok expertů KISK, MUNI, CZ - online, 19-11-2020

Udržateľný dizajn budúcnosti | panel discussion at Festival Nasuti 2020, Bratislava, SK - online, 24-10-2020 (2:04:00)

Illuminating the Black Box panel discussion at The Arena, Dutch Design Week, NL, - online, 20-10-2020

Syntetické médiá a nové vnímanie reality | HUMAIN Conference, Industra Brno, CZ

The Hmm on___ Deepfakes / The Hmm, Amsterdam, NL,
- online, 17-06-2020 (1:22:00)

Seeing is no longer believing. Visual uncertainty in the post-truth era. / VALS, Prague College, CZ, - online, 07-05-2020

Syntetická média a vizuální nejistota - když vidět ještě nic neznamená / Obraz vs. Osobní Data, Fresh Eye, CZ, - online, 24-04-2020

Deepfakes | Syntetické médiá /Paralelná Polis, Bratislava, SK

Visual Scepticism /The Hmm, NDSM-Fuse, Amsterdam, NL

Synthetic Vision /Paralelní Polis, Prague, CZ

Develodystópie /DAAD, Primaciálny Palác, Bratislava, SK

Spekulativní a Participativní design w Tereza Lišková /Studia nových médií FF UK, Prague, CZ

How Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Changed the Way We Look on the World, or the Necessity of Visual Scepticism in the Post-truth Era /CTJB, Jedovnice, CZ

How Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Changed the Way We Look on the World, or the Necessity of Visual Scepticism in the Post-truth Era /DATATATA Conference, FA VUT, Brno, CZ

Vizuální jazyk developerských projektů bratislavského Manhattanu /Praha v Brne, Brno, CZ

Vizuální jazyk developerských projektů bratislavského Manhattanu /Fresh Eye: Obraz vs. Gentrifikace, CAMP, Prague, CZ

workshops (selected)


Kreativní AI: Představení nástrojů AI pro praxi podnikání v kultuře a umění, etické aspekty využití AI | Krenovka, Prague, CZ, 17-4-2024

More-than-Human Co-creation: Making Sense with AI in Artistic Research w/ Markéta Dolejšová | Society of Artistic Research Conference 2024, Tilburg, NL, 10-4-2024

Využití generativní AI v kreativním procesu | Business skills UMPRUM, online, 22-3-2024

Umělá inteligence v tvůrčím procesu | KDU & KTD, Fakulta Designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara, Plzeň, CZ, 20-3-2024

Tuning In: Alternatives to Human-AI Co-Creation / KAT, Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave, SK, 27-2-2024 

Tuning In to Each Other: Alternatives to Human-AI Co-Creation / Performative Dialogues with AI, Fresh Eye & Uroboros Festival, Prague, CZ

Umělá inteligence a kolektivní imaginace / Katedra filozofie FF a CCS-Lab ZČU in Pilsen, CZ

Rising Together - Reimagining Human-AI Co-Creation through Encountering the (Sour)dough / Uroboros Festival 2023, Petrohradská Kolektiv, Prague, CZ

Reimagining Human-AI Co-Creation through Encountering the (Sour)dough / Living-with Feral Ecologies Festival, Helsinki Design Week, Helsinki, FI

Co-Creation with AI Algorithms: participatory perspectives to AI-media Synthesis / FAMU & Petrohradská Kolektiv, Prague, CZ

Umělá inteligence a kolektivní imaginace / FUK Festival, Prague, CZ

Generativní nástroje AI v uměleckém procesu / studios DDT & GDVK, UMPRUM, Prague, CZ

Sensing the Synthetic / .zip space, Rotterdam, NL

Sensing the Synthetic / Uroboros Festival, online

Scrying through AI / Center for Audiovisual Studies, FAMU - Academy of Performing Arts, Prague, CZ

Scrying through AI / Digital Arts department, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK

Workshop: AI na vlastní kůži - Helena Lukášová, Lenka Hamošová, Tomáš Javůrek ︎︎︎ | SVITAVA - transmedia art lab, Brno, CZ

Fictioning Synthetic Reality / AIxDesign, NL - online

Collective Vision of Synthetic Reality / Umanesimo Artificiale, IT - online

AI & Syntetické obrazy / #Datamaze, DOX, Prague, CZ - online

AI & Syntetické obrazy | Scholastika, Prague, CZ - online

Collective Vision of Synthetic Reality / Interactions 2021 Conference, IxDA - online

Collective Vision of Synthetic Reality | ML Ethics Team, Google - online

Syntetická budoucnost ︎︎︎| Letní škola, Nahlížet dějiny, DOX, Prague, CZ

Kolektivní vize syntetické reality | Letní škola Občankářů 2020, DOX, Prague, CZ

Syntetické médiá / DOX, Prague, CZ

Collective Vision of Synthetic Reality / MA Future Design, Prague College, Prague, CZ,

Collective Vision of Synthetic Reality /CtrlZ.AI Zine Fair, 2020 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT*), Barcelona, ES

Syntetická média – výzva pro ověřování původu a pravosti informací ︎
/Letní škola pro učitele „Stopovat dějiny: práce s prameny ve výuce“
Centre for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague, CZ

Bob Ross Lives! Creative potential of GANs / Hackers & Designers Summer Academy, Amsterdam, NL

More Images More Power / Typolab, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, SK
w Stefan Schäfer


designed the course “AI & Artistic Practice“, FAMU / Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, CZ

head tutor at Inspiration Forum LAB 2021/22 and 2023/24, JI.HLAVA, CZ

module leader at MA Future Design / Prague City University, Prague, CZ

Digital Earth fellowship - guest lecturer at Digitálne Umenia / Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK

lecturer at katedra Grafického a mediálneho designu, Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace, Prague, CZ

guest lectures at art schools and universities (UMPRUM, FAMU, FUD UJEP, KISK FF MUN, Studia nových médií FF UK, Scholastika, Prague College, VŠVU v Bratislave, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden, Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam, HKU Utrecht)